Four Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy (TJCA) students recently competed in the National History Bowl and Bee in Washington, D.C. Dominik Mystkowski, Aidan O’Reilly, Sydney Grace Evans, and Hunter Plaster performed so well that TJCA was named the Small School Champions.
Overall, they finished 19th out of 86 of the best teams in the nation after advancing first to the playoffs and then to the finals.
The event was held April 21-24 and the team qualified for the national tournament after a successful performance at Regionals in Chattanooga, which were held during the winter.
Sydney Evans also qualified for and competed in the US History Bee. Aidan O’Reilly qualified for, competed in and finished 9th in the nation in the Political Science Bee.
Dominik Mystkowski qualified for and competed in the International Geography Bee.
Mystkowski and O’Reilly also qualified for and competed in the National History Bee. Mystkowski advanced to the playoffs in that competition.