Admissions » Enrollment FAQs

Enrollment FAQs

  • Who is eligible to enroll?
    Anyone who resides in NC and will be five years of age by Aug. 31 of the year of enrollment.

  • Is there a tuition fee to attend?
    No. TJCA is a tuition-free public charter school.

  • How old does my child need to be to enroll in Kindergarten?
    Five years of age by August 31 of the year of enrollment.

  • Can I apply to attend for grades 10-12?
    Applicants for grades 10-12 must provide evidence of having completed college preparatory courses in their prior high schools. They must meet with the Guidance Counselor to ensure that an appropriate course of study can be followed to meet the TJCA graduation requirements, which include two years of Latin, one year of Logic, and one year of Rhetoric.

  • How many available spots do you have for next year?
    This will vary by grade, depending on the number of returning students in each grade. Lotteries are conducted by each grade level.

  • How do I begin the enrollment process?
    To begin the process, go to our website's front page and click the "Enroll" button. The application process is entirely online.

  • What is the enrollment lottery, and how does it work?
    For the 2025-26 school year, we begin accepting applications in November. The board set the deadline, which is March 2, 2025. The lottery will be held on March 6, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. in the High School Atrium. It is done via a randomized drawing through lottery software from Lotterease. Once the drawing is complete, all applicants are chosen for entry or placed on a waiting list based on the number of applicants and available positions.

  • Are there priorities given to any applicants?
    Board and staff members' children and siblings of currently enrolled students are given preference in the lottery. Additionally, when completing the application, the parent can enter one child into the lottery using the surname option. If the surnamed child is selected, the other siblings will move to the top of the waiting list. If the surnamed child is not selected, the other siblings will remain on the waiting list until the surnamed child is chosen. Once the child is chosen, the other students will be selected or placed at the top of the waiting list. If the parent opts for each student to go through the lottery, he will decline the surname option, and the children will not have preferential treatment if one is accepted. If one gets in and the other does not, the one on the waiting list will wait his turn on the waiting list and not be bumped to the top because his sibling got in.

  • Will you let us know whether our child was accepted?
    We will send you an email informing you about the lottery results within 24 hours of the drawing. You will be expected to confirm that you plan to accept this allotted spot by the date indicated in the email. If we do not hear from you by the specified date, the next student on the waitlist will be offered the spot. After receiving your confirmation, you will receive a welcome package in mid-June that will include information on uniform requirements, classroom requirements, and the summer reading list.

  • My child was chosen in the lottery. What are the next steps?
    Confirm to accept the position on the Lotterease email. Then, complete the registration link.

  • What happens if my child is not chosen in the lottery?
    If your child is not chosen, they will be placed on a waiting list. As students decline or make other plans, the next person on the waiting list is informed via email so that they can accept the available position.

  • Do current students need to reapply each year?
    You don't have to reapply once you are in Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy. Complete the "Intent to Return" form, which will be sent out in February, stating your plans to return. If you do not get accepted into Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy, you must reapply in January of the upcoming year. Applications are NOT carried over.